Instructions for Toxic OFF
Medicinal treatment using Toxic OFF capsules against parasites eliminates infection of tissues and organs. The organic formula is 100% natural. It helps to get rid of dangerous worms and helminths, restore health and strengthen immunity.
Toxic OFF organic capsules contain active natural ingredients:
- Wormwood extract, Artemisia absinthium- has a pronounced paralytic effect on the nervous system of parasites; Under the influence of the components, they stop feeding, moving and reproducing;
- Turmeric, yellow ginger, Curcuma longa— contributes to the natural removal of worms and the gradual cleaning of toxic products of their vital activity, relieves inflammation and strengthens the immune system;
- Gotu kola or Asian centella, Centella asiatica- has a pronounced general strengthening effect, improves digestion, promotes tissue recovery in the living body after worm parasitism;
- Amla or emblica, Phyllanthus emblica, Emblica officinalis- a sacred tree in India, which has a special effect on the body, helps to clean and restore tissues;
- Celery scented or scented, Apium graveolens- has pronounced protective functions, creates a natural protective barrier in the body, protects against re-infection, strengthens the immune system.
dosage form
Pharmacological group
Antiparasitic drugs for oral use.
Pharmacological properties
Toxic OFF parasite protection product provides treatment and prevention, gradually ridding tissues of eggs and larvae.
- Active components neutralize parasites, larvae, destroy eggs, which prevents relapse and re-infection;
- relieves itching in the case of parasitism in a living organism, allergic reactions caused by toxic decomposition products;
- eliminate intestinal disorders, clean the gastrointestinal tract from worms that completely block the internal passage, which causes spasms and stops digestion;
- They treat other organs affected by worms, eliminate the source of the disease, cleanse and restore the body.

Capsules have an effective effect compared to other means. They clean, neutralize and naturally remove parasites from the body.
The efficiency of using Toxic OFF is presented in the instruction table:
Parasitic diseases of any etiology, the presence of worms, helminths, eggs and larvae. Effective against all known types of parasites. Prevents re-infection and relapse of the disease.
Includes hypersensitivity to the indicated components of the drug.
Features of use
Toxic OFF is intended for internal use, taking into account indications and contraindications. How to use: take 1-2 capsules orally in the morning on an empty stomach before meals. A week after treatment, it is recommended to repeat the drug to prevent re-infection with worms hatched from the eggs.
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